On the Poacher’s Trail - Latemar.Adventure


Use case

Adventure games


Obereggen Latemar AG


Gerd Pircher, Haymo Pircher and Julienne Schult

Recording and Sounddesign

Gigaphon, Peter Lerf


Gerd Pircher, PIRG-Comics


about 2 hours


Narrator: Ian Russell; Klara: Eva Russell; Toni: Jack Ayres; Poacher: Albert Hensley; Forest police:


English, German, Italian



Latemar.Adventure - An Exciting Audio-Adventurehike in Obereggen

It's 5:30 in the morning. At the crack of dawn, Klara and Toni have already set off with you from the Jörgelhof. They want to take advantage of the dawn to introduce you to the diverse wildlife of their home Latemar. But suddenly, the silence of the forest is broken by a loud bang - a gunshot! Startled, you stop … trampling, branches and twigs crack, a young deer rushes across the path in front of you and disappears into the bushes, a suppressed curse can be heard in the distance - a poacher!

In this exciting radio play hike in Obereggen, the players follow a poacher who is up to his mischief on the Latemar. There are exciting and tricky challenges to master. A booklet helps to solve the riddles and tasks.


After the adventure, the players can re-enact their own story with the punch-out figures from the booklet.

Screenshots and audio samples

Some impressions directly from the audio drama experience – please turn on speakers.

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