From idea to interactive multimedia guide
Together with our customers we develop an audio drama experience in four steps.
The Concept

- Individual planning conversation
- On-site viewing (route)
- Rough concept with story arc and game mechanism
During the interview and visit, the basic framework is determined together with our customers, such as the number of stations or topic of the content. The wishes of our customers are recorded in order to be able to incorporate them later in the concept development. The on-site viewing and the interview allow us to advise the customer in an optimal way. The input is then recorded in a rough draft. Here, the basic storyline and the game mechanism are presented, whether it is – for example – a documentary audio drama experience with a narrator or an adventure game with different protagonists. The individual stations are outlined in the concept as well.
The script

- Dramaturgical realization
- Interaction with the environment
- Graphic design, if necessary production of illustrations
Several points are considered when writing the script. On the one hand texts, which will later be set to music, are written. This also includes directional instructions for the setting. On the other hand, the game mechanisms and interactions with the smartphone, the environment, installations and possibly print media are defined in detail. Which technologies should be used is also decided. In an outdoor quest, for example, stations can be unlocked via GPS, in a museum, this is not possible. Here, stations are opened via QR codes or iBeacons. Furthermore, the image selection is closely linked to the writing of the script. The authors determine about where and which pictures are needed and record that in the script. For some experiences illustrations are created. The intertwining of all these aspects makes the screenplay an interactive audio-drama experience.
The setting to dubbing

- Casting of voice actors
- Directing and audio recordings
- Background noise and music
The dubbing always starts with the casting of voice actors. Here, we are looking for suitable voices for the individual protagonists in the script, since a narrator needs a different voice than, for example, a witch or a gnome. We submit our proposals to the customer for selection. At the same time, we discuss what the background music should sound like, eg. light guitar music or nature sounds in the forest. Once all decisions have been made, the voice actors create the recordings. Then the audio is edited, the background noise and music added and finally the mastering completed.
Technical realization

- Implementation of the content and game mechanics
- Interaction through suitable technology
- Field testing and adjustment
During the implementation texts, audio, interactions and pictures are added to the Locandy editor. Furthermore, technical parameters are defined, like adding the individual GPS coordinates for each station. An overview page of the audio drama experience is created, including title, short description, some preview pictures, features and directions. Once the implementation is finished, the test phase begins. Here, the digital theme trail is tested on site, and if necessary, adjustments and improvements are made. After, the quest is published and put online, so visitors can access the interactive audio drama experience via their smartphones. They only need to download it once, after that internet access is no longer necessary, as the digital theme trails work offline.